Friday, March 15, 2013

Just another one of those pain in the ass patients!

Today is the day that I see the wonderful Dr. Phu Truong. I feel blessed to work in a place where I am surrounded by so many good oncologists. How did I choose mine? Long story.
Almost 10 years ago I graduated from college and started as a nurse. I worked at Via Christi St. Francis (or Via Christi on St. Francis as the kids these days call it) on the cancer floor, which was 7SW back then.  I got to know all of the oncologist and their personalities (some were much better than others.) Then a few years later the "new" doctors arrived. There was Dr. Truong and Dr. Reddy, young, eager, and still polite. They were wonderful to work with and both so smart.  I told myself that if I were ever going to be the nurse for a doctor in the clinic it would have to be Dr. Truong, hands down. But that would never I thought.  In 2008 Dr. Truong's nurse left and he needed a replacement. He approached me about it and also invited me to a dinner that he was speaking at, where I would meet my new boss and coworkers. They were all wonderful and I decided to take the chance. I didnt know if I would like working 5 days a week or sitting at a desk all day but the opportunity wouldnt likely come around again so I took it.  It was the best change I ever made.
Right after starting at the Cancer Center of Kansas (CCK) my mom got tested for the BRCA mutations. We were painting the kitchen of a house I used to own in Hutch when she told me she was positive for a BRCA 1 mutation.  I laughed and thought she was joking and then quickly realized she wasnt when she started crying. Whelp! That meant that I would have a 50/50 chance of having the same mutation. I immediately made an appt with my OB/GYN to get tested and she referred me to Dr. Cusick.  Before I went to that appointment, Dr. Truong printed me off all kinds of information to read about the testing and what the results meant.  I knew I would have the mutation, and Dr. Cusick confirmed that at 9pm on a Thursday night when she called me my results. POSITIVE. She said she was going to wait until Monday to call me so that I wouldnt worry but thought that I would worry anyways, so she decided to call me that night. The first place I went the next morning was Dr. Truongs office.  He was there to answer my questions, and was genuinely upset about the results.  I have a HUGE level of respect for him and decided after that to make him my oncologist if I ever needed one. So, he has had about 5 years of knowing that today was coming. appointment went well. Gary was able to ask all of the questions that he needed to ask and we are able to start treatment on Monday. The one conversation I wasnt planning on having was about having any future children. Dr. Truong does not think it is safe (from a cancer standpoint) to ever get pregnant again, and would like my ovaries gone with my next surgery. That leaves us with adoption (which Gary is not interested in) or surrogacy (which is complicated.) "Hi, my name is Sara. Can I use your uterus?" Again, if we didnt have these "could be babies" out there this would be so easy. My best friend had offered at one time to do this but its hard to ask someone to wreck their body all in the name of you having another child.  Im sure we will revisit this topic someday.
For now I plan to enjoy my weekend, because next week will be rough!

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